I absolutely loved this show. One of the best shounen I’ve seen. Some of the stuff in this show was inspiration for Hellsing’s style. Charatcers are great. Music is great. Battles are fantastic. Amazing voice acting. Ushio had great speaches and Tora had awesome tsundere moments. The main villian is absolutely terryfing, one of the best I’ve ever see. Sadly the last third is a tad rushed, but it was worth it. Highly recommended. If you’re wondering why the file size is so large it’s because I kept all the grain. Enjoy. I know I did.
Comments - 40
omg your the best o.O
Sorry, but this time it’s too large.
will you please finish Amaama To Inazuma?
You forgot:
Great VAs, and a very thorough plot and the anime wasn’t done half-assed, like most anime nowadays.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Gagantous: I DID finish Amaama To Inazuma. I’m not doing volumes 1-3 because Godless already did. Perhaps you mean to say “complete Amaama To Inazuma” but I’m not going to do that because there already exists 720p BD for volumes 1-3.
Tehe: Added praise to VA and corrected typo.
“corrected typo” - 25% - 100% = Some of the stuff in this show was an inspiration for Hellsing’s style. Characters are great. Music is great. Battles are fantastic. Amazing voice acting. Ushio had great speaches and Tora had awesome tsundere moments. The main villain is absolutely terrifying, one of the best I’ve ever seen.
" like most anime nowadays."
It’s as if you watched all anime every season since Ushio to Tora finished to say that bullshit. Just because it doesn’t fit your taste, doesn’t mean its bad, or you’re just following the latest fad of the elitists?
For me, too, it’s like todays animu mostly doesn’t want to be special, just on an average level, but no matter what the only anime which got me caught is Attack on Titan, Made in Abyss and I’m waiting for FLCL hopefully soon this winter. All a matter of taste, as you say, but you can’t tell me the charm, world build, etc. in today anime compared to old 4:3 has gone way down and as Tehe said is “mostly” unwatchable for people with other taste than maybe yours
DmonHiro (uploader)
Ami_Lia, I think what Tehe means is that a lot of anime these days eem to have given up on telling a complete story. Most are either adaptations of running manga that just stop, or worse: shows that have open ends that just scream “Read the manga/LN/novel”. It’s rare to get a show that tells a complete story, start to finish. And Ushito To Tora does just that. There’s a beginning, middle and end. The story is complete. Nake 10 shows from the past 5 years that you can say that about.
Well it seems Nokkk5 and Dmon gave you the answer.
And to answer your question, no I’m not. But I don’t like to watch crap (that is what I think is crap).
good show, for this release it would have been better if you removed dynamic grain then applied your own static one…just saying
DmonHiro (uploader)
The only thing that would accomplish is to reduce the overall quality.
wow, thanks a fuck ton for the surprise, DmonHiro!
Thank you! Any chance you’ll be tackling the original OVA series? :D
DmonHiro (uploader)
No, that already has a release. DVD only, of course.
Thanks yet again for another awesome release!
Thank you
~1.2GB per episode for a 720p. what’s going on?
thanks a bunch love this show
Yahoo! I love grains, many thx Mr. DmonHiro~
But here’s hoping you can modify CR/Daisuki subs in the future XD
DmonHiro (uploader)
PixelNinja: It’s not FLAC. For the record, I never use FLAC. It’s 1.2 GB/episode because I kept the grain. I always keep the grain. Removing it hurts the quality.
Toogle: I will not modify the subs for any future release.
speaches = speeches you meant?
even if you “kept the grain” x264 would not allow that do a comparison and see for yourself, you wont get the same amount of the grain anyway
DmonHiro (uploader)
Obviously you lose some grain while encoding from the BDMV. I’m just saying that I didn’t take any steps in removing grain on purpose.
downloaded, it looks good, thank you, i was waiting for this release from back when you commented to the bdmv uploader in adc
Don’t get me wrong, I am really greatful for this release, but whats with the size of your subtitles? They’re huge. I hope setting PlayResX and Y to native videores won’t mess with any typesetting, but it’s way too big otherwise.
And please add the fontfile to your future releases as well. Not everyone has open sans installed and it would make remuxing a little easier.
^ so you won’t be seeding after completed
Does this one Include the OP/ED translation+romanji? And can anyone share the SS for this…just curious to see the font size.
DmonHiro (uploader)
No, it does not include OP/ED translation. Also the font size for all my releases is EXACTLY the same unless stated otherwise.
Left Dmon, Right HS
Setting PlayResX/Y to native fixes size, but messes up typesetting. :/
DmonHiro (uploader)
Why don’t you just change the font size then?
I would’ve to change fontsize for 23 different styles and I would’ve to check how it looks in aegisub every time (since some are size 30, 35 or 45 instead of the standard 40). Setting res to native is a quick and dirty way to get an okay result without much effort.
Like I’ve said, I’m grateful for the release, but would’ve liked if it looked more like the original script.
^ use notepad to open ass file and you’ill be able to change the font size mush faster than aeigisub gui, cuz you need to open and close windows a lot
you said it had rush ending on the description… then noone will able to watch this classic shounen for that review :(
i downloaded most of this to find out ITS SUBTITLED, 50+gb and description just says you really like it, instead of simply adding 1 word “SUBTITLED” so technically u didnt add a description at all! no thanks for this useless waste of time torrent like other people dont even mention its subtitled, this anime has dubs and english-translation category searched both subs & dubs, so if the mods would read this, maybe they could seperate the subs from the dubs in category? or atleast DEMAND that people add in description if its subbed or dubbed?? iv had to download a few of these false-dub-torrents
DmonHiro (uploader)
Hey, jordandtu, I know it’s been 9 months, but I never got to tell you you’re an idiot. Did the comments about subtitles above yours not give you a clue? Also, genius, if a release is dubbed it is ALWAYS labeled as such. Sub is the standard here, not dubbed.
Seed please.
please seed this!! :D
Please seed. Thanks!