Pokemon 55 - 57 Dual Dubbed :: Nyaa ISS

Pokemon 55 - 57 Dual Dubbed

2017-06-05 14:34
No information.
File size:
502.3 MiB
Info hash:

Pokemon 55 - Pokemon Paparazzi
Pokemon 56 - The Ultimate Test
Pokemon 57 - The Breeding Center Secret

Pokemon Paprazzi stars a character named Snap (based on the N64 game, Pokemon Snap), however a dispute with Kelloggs over the name Snap forced all broadcasts of the episode, T.V. airing and online streaming, along with the following episodes that contain the character to rename him Todd. Since the DVDs could still use his original name “Snap” his official name became Todd Snap.

Audio track 1 - Snap
Audio track 2 - Todd

I personally don’t care for the character outside of Pokemon Snap, but decided to share this for those that like to call him by a preferred name. Enjoy♥

Note: I was up until 5a.m. recording and editing audio for this. If you find any mistakes please let me know in the comments below.

Edit: I am not happy with the video, I will likely rip the DVDs myself and replace this torrent later.

The Snap audio track along with the video came from the DVD, but this is not my rip. This is just something I have stored on my hard drive.
The Todd audio track was ripped from Netflix. I replaced the Intro, Ending and the Who’s that Pokemon segment with the DVD audio.

File list

  • Pokemon 55 - 57
    • Pokemon 55 - Pokemon Paparazzi.mkv (166.7 MiB)
    • Pokemon 56 - The Ultimate Test.mkv (169.4 MiB)
    • Pokemon 57 - The Breeding Center Secret.mkv (166.2 MiB)

Where did you source the two audio tracks from?