[PSP] Half-Minute Hero: The Second Coming / 勇者30 SECOND [English Patched, v1.0.2] :: Nyaa ISS

[PSP] Half-Minute Hero: The Second Coming / 勇者30 SECOND [English Patched, v1.0.2]

2016-06-25 17:36 UTC
No information.
File size:
378.4 MiB
Info hash:
![Image](https://s6.postimg.cc/ixy034jwh/rsz_4674174_1293767895hh87.png) **Title**: Yūsha 30 Second **Original Title**: 勇者30 SECOND **Genre**: action RPG **Year**: Japan August 4, 2011; English Patch v1.0.2 - May 10, 2016 **Developer**: Opus **Language**: English **Translation Team**: Programmer: ChepChep Translator: Ignis00 **Description**: Yūsha 30 Second's single player mode features 5 separate episodes, each of which is unlocked after completing the previous episode. Each episode takes place hundreds of years after the previous one, and they all feature the same type of gameplay as the Hero 30 game mode in Half-Minute Hero. Due to the various bosses in the game being able to cast a spell that kills the main character in 30 seconds, each hero is forced to make a contract with the Time Goddess that lets the player rewind time in exchange for increasing amounts of gold. The player must fight against the clock to defeat the boss as quickly as possible while completing various other objectives. **Important**: Translation Status: 95% - "The English patch translates through the base game. The 5% not done is in some images that were difficult to fix and also some hard coded text in ASM. We got all the stuff you need to get through the game and understand what is going on. Most you will never notice..." Source: [gbatempt](http://gbatemp.net/threads/half-a-minute-hero-2-y%C5%ABsha-30-second-english-patch.425709/) Tested on PPSSPP v., 6.61 Pro-C and 6.39 PRO-B10 and working. Multiplayer does not work and crashes. **Screenshots**: ![Image](https://s6.postimg.cc/tyt585c5d/screen00000.png) ![Image](https://s6.postimg.cc/rirbuau2p/screen00001.png) ![Image](https://s6.postimg.cc/tolmosxj5/screen00002.png) ![Image](https://s6.postimg.cc/vhojd4ipt/screen00003.png) ![Image](https://s6.postimg.cc/vvpvcq2td/screen00005.png)

File list

  • Yuusha 30 Second.iso (378.4 MiB)