Thousands of years ago mankind encountered alien life. Sadly, these aliens were more then just hostile. They cut the Earth in half, and chased humanity through space. They were practically invincible, all mankind could do was run away. One of the ships that managed to escape, Sidonia, by pure luck found a weapon that could kill the Gauna, but more often then not, all they could do was run.
Tanikaze Nagate has lived underground with his grandfather all his life. But when his grandfather dies of old age, Nagate is forced to come back to the surface or starve to death. He is found by the people of Sidonia just as the Gauna return after a 100 year long absence. Lucky for Sidonia that Nagate's grandfather was the best Gardes pilot that ever lived, and trained Nagate to be the next savior of Sidonia.
Here is one of the best sci-fi shows to come out in a long time. This has become one of my all time favorites. Don't let the CG fool you, this is a very high quality show. The world building is great and the characters are more then lovable. I recommend this anime for any mecha/action/horror fans.
This is the director's cut version present on the BD. It has new cuts, some nudity and the final episode has 7 extra minutes of new footage. The subtitles are from Underwater with some small corrections. The extra 7 minutes for episode 12 are a combination of original translation and official subs. And the audio is 5.1.
PS: The secret project is the Knights of Sidonia movie. Even more new scenes.
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