hated that this show only had crappy bluray subs…so I converted them to softsub…and styled them a bit
if you don’t wanna download the video files and just the subs…I included the zip file with the subs and fonts in it
@waffle can’t remember
personally I don’t really care to much about the video
its the subtitles that matter most for me
I grew up watching 320x240 realmedia fansubs of dragonball z so anything better then that is very nice to me
Comments - 3
I assumed none of these are reencode (video/audio) of the original releases by other uploaders (motto & CoffeeBun)?
Could you tell me what is the source for Season 1 that you use?
techguru (uploader)
@waffle can’t remember
personally I don’t really care to much about the video
its the subtitles that matter most for me
I grew up watching 320x240 realmedia fansubs of dragonball z so anything better then that is very nice to me
Seed, please.