Unfortunately, XRA has lost interest and will not be continuing the series
Appreciate the shares nevertheless!
Hopefully someone can continue! Since Volume 23-26 has been out already, with Volume 27 coming in August 2021!
Characters and Art really REALLY reminds me of Saiunkoku Monogatari!
I keep seeing Shuurei and Ryuuki in the cover arts XD
Comments - 6
SomaHeir (uploader)
Also favor to ask, If possible if you can add me on twitter to bring increase my follower account.
Because scumbag Twitter has a 5,000 following limit for those who don’t have a lot of followers themselves. Which doesn’t make any fucking sense, but whatever.
I’m trying to follow as many JPN artist as I can. It’s what I mainly use for in the first place. I will follow you back for sure, just mention that you came from here. You can also message me there in case I may have missed it on the comments (I will try to check as much as I can).
Maybe reach up to 500 (currently 248 right now). Would really appreciate this thanks!
I’m bringing up my MAL account since people have been adding me there and wondering if MAL and Nyaa are the same person. Which is true!
And yeah, the HDD is still not fixed, but it is running for sure. I will get it fix someday! Maybe next year or so, since I’m trying to buy a new external HDD once again (14TB) since I’m about to fill my current 12TB External HDD (Only 800GB left).
Also, you maybe wondering why a couple of the DDL links prior to this share are expired. Since my last Mega Account was terminated due to some false copyright BS and I shared it unwillingly on some forum. So this is a new account and will be careful on what to share next time ;)
Not sure If I can still reupload some of it (There are buried in my old HDDs) so maybe someday!
So this is just a repost of https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1355937 by Mr_Kimiko?
SomaHeir (uploader)
I don’t know why my searching sucks today. I guess I’ll hid it for now XD
SomaHeir (uploader)
Decided to just let it up for now. I will hid it after quite sometime.
Vol 1-26 (though of lower filesize and so probably lower image size) -> https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1122590
Seed pls