[yaneura] Re:Zero Break Time 2nd Season - 20 (WEB) :: Nyaa ISS

[yaneura] Re:Zero Break Time 2nd Season - 20 (WEB)

2021-02-21 14:54
No information.
File size:
13.5 MiB
Info hash:

Translation: Kakoei Sbi
Timing, Editing: me
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hnh4yPqT6M (youtube-dl bestvideo+bestaudio, untouched)

feedback welcome.

File list

  • [yaneura] Re Zero Break Time Second Season - 20 [32E24A6F].mkv (13.5 MiB)


Thank U Very Very Much for the great help~~
and deep apology for the multiple posts…

And YES, I need the .mp4 for compatibility…
the raw files in the link given are just 720p (which I have already) …
with the file size almost equivalent of 1080p…

I’ve extracted the mkv with gMKVExtractGUI…
but just can’t find a good (and free ) software to combine it…
with small size but good quality at the same time…
that’s why…

yaneura (uploader)


I don’t have the episodes as mp4. I rip bestvideo+bestaudio with youtube-dl, so it chooses it automatically. The bestvideo is mostly H264, but sometimes VP9. The bestaudio is always Opus (so far), which isn’t supported in mp4. (also no matter what a/v is in there I’m still putting ass subs in so it’ll have to be mkv anyway)
If you absolutely must have h264+aac in 1080p, you could try cutting Break Time from the end of ohys’s TV rips. It has a TV channel watermark tho, and you have to grab the entire episode to do it, so it’s not a perfect solution, but better than nothing.

Best solution - get a better player.
If it’s for compatibility with a “smart” TV, just plug a computer into it.

or i guess you could grab it off a streaming site