Sauce: U3-Web
Audio: Japanese - English
Subtitles: English [Tsundere (sort of)]
I know this movie is (meant to be, I haven’t watched any of Clannad) garbage, but I don’t like leaving stuff unfinished, and since I did the encodes for the Judas Clannad release I thought I might as well do this as well.
Filterchain is nothing special, it’s not like this deserves anything better tbh - 720p descale with a weighted eedi3/nnedi3 pass + a quick deband. I did originally check the DVDs for this, but they’re truely horrific, so webrip it is. There’s also meant to be a German Blu-ray, though I wasn’t able to find it anywhere and I wasn’t going to spend money on a movie I’ll never watch anyway.
Maybe if I do more releases of my own, then I’ll create my own Discord server to keep non Judas work seperate from my own stuff. Let me know if you’d like to see anything else in particular from me - ideally stuff already on the Judas WIP list. Feel free to contact me on Discord at End of Eternity#6292, either directly or via the Judas Discord.
Cheers, EoE
Comments - 3
how many memes though
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