Minazuki Kashou always wanted to open up his own Japanese confection shop, so he leaves home and opens his own patisserie, “La Soleil”. Unknown to him, his two catgirls sneaked off with him. Chocola and Vanilla love their master to much they came to be the waitresses for La Soleil. Soon enough even more catgirls from his home start showing up, along with his little sister. Then, one day, Chocola finds a lost kitten and brings her back with her.
OK, first of all, don’t think too hard about the premise. If you combine the knowledge that catgirls can be owned, that they cannot go outside by themselves unless they pass an exam and that this is all based on a 18+ visual novel series… well… you get the idea. The show, however, is harmless. A cute, lighthearted comedy about catgirls. Everyone is nice, the show is relaxing and sometimes funny. Nothing special, but nothing bad either. If you’re looking for fanservice though, you’ve come to the wrong place. This is a very wholesome show. Give it a shot if you like cute catgirls. And really, who doesn’t?
OVAs are included. Subtitles: 2K for OVAa, official for OVAb, Horrible-Subs for TV. That’s also the chronological order.
Series rating: 6/10
Opening & Preview (Middle-click the image to open video in new tab. Preview contains subtitles)
Comments - 45
Man, can’t thank you enough for this 720p BD releases
I’ll wait for somebody more reliable to release nekopara, considering Dmon’s releases in the past I don’t want to end up watching eye cancer
Eye cancer is a bit far. Only re-encodes (some of them) can be categorized as “eye cancer” from what I’ve seen on this site.
@ ClearlyIAmTrolling
Eye cancer? That’s Moozzi2 releases.
everything sourced from HS is eye cancer
If you watch japanese cartoons you already have eye cancer.
@ Hermandshot
You just triggered some by calling it “cartoons”, but it’s true. I just call it Japanese animated series/films.
ChineseJapanese cartoon was a mistakeClearlyIAmTrolling
Not really trolling when Dmon has had subpar releases in the past. Facts are facts. He almost lost trusted status over it. But hey some of you younguns probably weren’t here at that point.
Goddamn. If you don’t like his release then download something else or make one yourself. That’s why I learned how to make my own releases. Complaining does nothing. His releases will remain the same as always. The past is the past. Nothing can be changed about that. Those bad releases happened a very long time ago. There’s always room for improvement no matter how experienced you are.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Oh man, I leave for the night and miss out on the comments? That’s just no good. Lemme correct that.
@fahdfahid: my pleasure.
@ClearlyIAmTrolling: OK.
@NoobSubs: You want eye-cancer? Check this out: https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1259781
@Impakt: There are few Moozzi2 releases that aren’t filtered to hell, if you can believe it.
@RinzImpulse: Simply not true. Depends on the team that worked on the subs.
@Hermandshot: How DARE you?
@ClearlyIAmTrolling: Nah, that was an isolated incident. It was basically “If you keep releasing interlaced encodes without removing the ghost frames, you’ll lose your trusted”. Never encode drunk, kids. “Looks good to me”.
Will Sub Match With 1080p BD.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Is that a question? They might. I don’t know. Depends on the raw.
I have a much better idea-watch Nekopara english dubbed (fuck all of you “give me subbed only or death” morons). The golumpa 1080P simuldub episodes are good enough video and audio wise as far as I’m concerned (coming from some who espouses bluray raws with uncompressed video and audio)+the dub is pretty damn good.
@zrdb Dubbed? Cringe!
nice meme
Just fyi @zrdb, BDs are still compressed.
Dubs. I’ve never watched one and probably never will. There are only a few instances where the dub is better than the original, but this is extremely rare.
The other problem with dubs is there are a handful of voice actors. You get tired of hearing Kate Higgins, Johnny Yong Bosch, Vic Mignogna all the time.
DmonHiro (uploader)
@zrdb: Dubbed? Get the fuck out of here with that trash.
Dubbed is good-I read books, not anime. And of course dvds and blurays are compressed-but not as much as a lot of the fucking shit that gets uploaded here. In the old dubbed vs. subbed argument-if somebody tries to tell me subbed only is better than dubbed, it depends on if it was ever dubbed or not. If not then it’s subbed, DUH!! There are good dubs and bad dubs so I think that about covers all the angles on that fucking controversy.
Subtitles in anime are someone’s adaptation. If you give a show to three different translators, you’ll get three different sets of subtitles. What you’re reading, is in fact, not the original.
Subtitles are limited to how many characters can fit on screen, so sometimes the full translation has to be shortened to fit that character limit, meaning information may be missing. Translators also have to make Japanese sayings or jokes work in English.
This means their translation is often different than the original joke, because the joke may stem from a pun that wouldn’t make any sense in English. Adaptive writers have to take the translation, which is already an adaptation, and adapt it further to fit mouth movements.
The moral of this story is that unless you speak fluent Japanese, whether you watch subs or dubs (Both are fine!) you are watching someone’s adaptation, and it will always be different than the original. Translators and adaptive writers are all doing their best.
would be nice if there were more details available about the encoding process…
DmonHiro (uploader)
@zrdb: hilarious, unless you’re serious. in that case, it’s sad.
English dub voices are inferior in 99% of cases. If you can’t read fast enough, that is 100% on you. Learn to read faster. Only if you have a medical problem is it acceptable to watch dubs.
You can view the specs of anyone’s video by using AnimeTosho, as long as the release isn’t bigger than 17GB.
yes but mediainfo output wont tell if something was fixed with the encode or what filters were used. its all stuff that i would like to know but almost no encoder publishes the info… one could be doing complex stuff like https://iamscum.wordpress.com/_test1/_test2/resizing/ or just doing a basic handbrake encode
Oh. Like the CRF he used or filters he could’ve applied. The exact presets used for the video. I occasionally do that, but it takes hell of a lot of time to put up, since you gotta pinpoint every damn thing. A lot of people don’t have time for that, and it’s a pain in the ass if you’re lazy like me.
DmonHiro (uploader)
No offense, but why does it matter. Do you like how it looks? Then download it. Do you hate how it looks? Then don’t download it. Nitpicking about the filters is pointless in my opinion. It also changes nothing. It’s CRF 16, by the way.
i understand that. but even a short description where you at least tell that you did something to improve it would be better than the way too common nothing at all. its very useful for the people who dont still know everything about the anime scene. personally i default to assuming that its just another lazy space saver encode if i dont know about the encoder and dont see any info about the encode
looks of still pictures are just part of the stuff that one needs to know. who knows if they are just random pictures or something that was carefully selected to show something. it could look fine on the still frames but be horrible when you actually play it
take the next step and compare yourself. if you wish to learn then idk light might be more than happy to welcome you in his encodojo.
tbh i should stop commenting so much everywhere but its all stuff that i think about :D but encoding is something that i do want to get into eventually… i do already know that doing it right is hard and takes lots of time :D
DmonHiro (uploader)
Yes, but since I encode to 720p, comparing still images to the BDMV, for example, is pointless. You either have to shrink the BDMV screenshot or enlarge the encode screenshot. In either case you distort one of them making a comparison meaningless. Alternatively you leave both screenshota at their native resolutions. But then you can’t see the differences because you’d have to look at two different places on the screen.
there no OVA EXTRA in BDs ?
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
I may have misunderstood your question, Aryma.
If you are asking if there was an extra OVA on the BDs for the TV series, then the answer is no.
If you were asking about the two Nekopara OVAs that came out before the TV series, they are included in this torrent. They are marked 00a (Nekopara Extra) and 00b (Nekopara), because Nekopara Extra takes place before the first OVA.
tl;rd: All Nekoapra anime is in this torrent.
I wholeheartedly disagree with your series rating. Disgraceful, truly disgraceful to give it a low score.
thats why you should never let others do decisions for you :D you miss lots of good stuff if you only watch things that have high ratings
@valid There’s a couple of encoders that upload their scripts. Like me, for example, as well as Varde. Finding other people’s scripts is gonna be rough though, since most don’t share them because they don’t want to be flooded with questions of “how does X work”, or want people to just re-use their scripts without thinking.
Finally here
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That goes both ways. I get tired of hearing Shinichiro Miki in everything.
Great release! Thanks :>
Don’t know if this is a problem with your encode, the source, or just my monitor(?) since I don’t see anyone talking about it here and these pics are from the preview given in the description. You can see the character/object outlines turning into dotted lines every time said character or object moves in the screen.