Young Sain Forth has it made; as the famed Holy Knight, he has the people’s love, the respect of kings, and the blessings of a literal goddess. His aspirations lie elsewhere, though. With his assistant Melia at his side, he leaves for an academy in a foreign kingdom, where he is treated as a deviant by his peers. It’s his own fault, mind you—his stubborn insistance on wearing a custom, all-black uniform makes him stick out. He isn’t the only outcast in his class: Alicia, born into the Clan of Light but unable to use anything but fire magic, faces similar struggles, and the two quickly become allies. Alicia proposes that they enter the labyrinth below the school in search of a holy sword, but Sain has other plans in mind: a doom sword. And so, with his friends in tow, Sain ventures into the perilous unknown, driven by a wish to become the coolest, edgiest, most awesome thing in existence: a Dark Knight. There’s just one problem. He can’t use dark magic. Like, at all.
Comments - 5
Funny how this gets upped there till we have another clueless uploader who downloads it from there and re-ups and tags it as his own back here.
Not a first and definitely not the last, but hey @lustful_ninja, try searching before uploading next time.
Moonlighting under another name and pointing your finger at other people won’t prevent you from getting called out on repacking, Lucaz. Other people repacking still doesn’t make it alright for you to do it, assuming this uploader isn’t actually a strawman of yours.
@higuize Moonlighting under another name? strawman? This is nyaa lmao. You look like one of those guys who watched a lot of detective and conspiracy shit till the point it damaged their brains.
But FYI, I’ve been following the English light novel scene for a while now so I could tell what I said here. On the other end, you seem like you don’t even know what you’re talking about yourself. And when you have an absolute proof of LuCaZ repacking, please come forward. Otherwise, shove your theories you know where.
Thanks for sharing that Novel Corner site.
Didn’t realize such a thing exist!
@SomaHeir are you trying to DMCA that site?