Video: 1080p AVC/x264-Hi10P / JPBD / Yousei-raws
Audio #1: ENG 2.0 FLAC16 / USBD / Rasetsu (sync’d to Yousei video)
Audio #2: JPN 2.0 FLAC16 / JPBD / Rasetsu (from Yousei-raws FLAC24)
Subtitle #1: Signs & Songs / Rasetsu (Commie/FFF) / MUL
Subtitle #2: Full English / Rasetsu (Commie/FFF) / ENG
Subtitle #3: Full English / Commie (original) / ENM
Subtitle #4: Full English / FFF/IB (original) / ANG
Subtitle #4: Full English / Hatsuyuki (original) / ANG [Episode 11 only]
Video from Yousei-raws at 1080p/x264-Hi10P; Endcard segments appended onto the main video by me. Audio encoded (and appended for the Endcard music) at 16bit FLAC from Yousei and my own copy of the USBD; 24bit files will be available in a separate torrent for those who prefer such things, though these will not include the endcard background music (incidentally, they were only available as 16bit on the blurays).
Subs originally from Commie (modified HorribleSubs) & FFF (from Interrobang’s airing release) 1080p BD-release scripts. Dialog primarily Commie, with a number of editing decisions by me: timing gaps (particularly around keyframes), a few scenebleeds, a handful of word choices (‘kimono kid’->‘kimono loli’, etc), proper linebreaks reviewed line-by-line on all episodes… Though I didn’t want to get bogged down too much on the dialog with this one. This was supposed to be a simple project, damn it (fail). Majority of signs (few as they were) from Commie, some (titles, especially) by me, some from FFF/IB, almost all modified by me–see detailed source notes below on what that entails.
OP/ED KFX combined from FFF/IB (lyrics & KFX) and Commie (on-screen drifting typesetting stuff)–similar to what Shiro did, but I examined and combined these directly from Commie/FFF 1080p releases, corrected the timing on the FFF/IB KFX, and cleaned up the tag blocks to fix a horrendous amount of malformities on the originals. ED lyrics from Commie, I liked their ED track a bit more but I will include FFF/IB on the NCOP file. Episodes 10 & 11 have insert songs that I heavily modified from Hatsuyuki (see below for more details on all of this stuff).
Commie & FFF original scripts included as 3rd and 4th tracks (Hatsuyuki as 4th track on OVA). Each subtitle track given a distinct language designation for media player preference setting:
Signs & Songs - MUL | Full-Rasetsu - ENG | Full-Commie - ENM (middle English) | Full-FFF - ANG (old English)
I should say at some point that considerable work was made for me to consider this a definitive archive release for the series with both sub- and dub-watchers in mind (not just the latter), in fact more attention was given to the subs than any other aspect. Whether it actually is such a thing or not, I cannot say–but all was done with this foolhardy and irreconcilable balance in mind.
Full Source and Editing Notes
Other Sources Compared for Release
Mediainfo example for Ep.2
Lossless 24bit FLAC audio files for this series
Comments - 24
Great job!!!
Sounds weeb enuf for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Don’t know why you call it definitive and use 16-bit audio! Definitive means the one to get in general… So why would you leave the 24 bit out? just to save a few megabytes? I personally Can usually hear the difference so getting this would not be best for me… Fortunately, you included the sound files link but I don’t know the first thing about putting it together. Any help would be appreciated.
shamil11 (uploader)
@Neverexists LOL space was not a consideration, and that has never been something that’s bothered me–which I would usually be criticized for. But there is just no pleasing everybody. I can also usually tell the differences that higher quality audio can bring, so I understand.
Now, I named the external tracks so that if you place the audio file in the same folder as the video, it should be picked up as an external audio file by most (if not all) decent media players when the video file is opened. At that point, just select it from the available options. In MPC-HC, that means right-clicking on the video screen -> hover mouse over Audio Track -> select desired file from the options – in this case, it should be the 3rd or 4th option (depending on whether both 24b files are added or just one). MPV and VLC have similar processes. Plex/Kodi or some other streaming media center would have processes for this that I’m not familiar with.
Doing weeby stuff that’s not ‘bloated’ enough… now there’s two accusations that might’ve never struck the ground in front of me before now. Maybe I’m just getting old.
24bit FLAC is just bloat for this show anyway
shamil11 (uploader)
@LightArrowsEXE Well, get more than three people involved in the discussion and there is just no agreement on that question (or anything, really), hence why I made a point of providing the two audio options here.
This is why you don’t listen to leechers and do what you believe to be the best call. Personally, I’d just stick with one track at AAC (encoded with qAAC -v 127) rather than multiple FLAC tracks. But that’s just me.
shamil11 (uploader)
For better or worse, public opinion doesn’t normally concern me much—except when it is amusing or surprising. I’m the one I need to impress, and that is difficult enough by its own self. Not really a fan of lossy audio, even qAAC127, so FLAC16/Lv.8 is about the most compromise as I see fit. With the usual Funi 20b audio in a 24b container, it’s not as much of a loss in conversion to consider, but in this case it was actual 24b DTS-HD MA. I went back and forth on the matter while I was working on the subs enough times that I decided to make ‘no decision’ and ultimately went with both, unconventional though it may be. The activity on the external set is surprising though, I expected only a handful of DLs on that one.
That’s a good attitude. Won’t stop people from bitching unfortunately, but what can you do. Not too familiar with audio encoding short of the basics (since my hearing is complete and utter shit), but I was under the impression that most, short of some very specific BDs, had upscaled audio. Surprising to hear that Mondaiji, of all things, is actually native 24bit.
shamil11 (uploader)
Audio editing and encoding is what I am most comfortable with. I have been involved with anime stuff for only about five years, but live music collecting for almost 20 years before that.
@shamil11 Thanks for the info.
@ LightArrowsEXE Most people won’t hear the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit cause their hearing isn’t that great, they’ve never payed attention or their listening devices are not up to par. Now I am using an expensive sound card and $500 audiophile headphones so I can assure you that I can hear the difference. So it’s not just bloat, maybe to someone that can’t tell the difference…
The fact that you’re using a soundcard versus any kind of external solution (DAC/AMP) + are only using $500 headphones (entry level in the audiophile scene) leaves me to believe it’s all in your head
Keep dreaming kid
@------ Perhaps the very valid point is that EVEN WITH ONLY a good sound card and $500 cans the difference is noticeable. One can only imagine how much difference there must be when listening through your UAD on your Neumann monitors…
… ;) (maybe for recording an orchestra).
Please not that many (most that I’ve met) audio-type people call their AIs ‘sound cards’ even though it is clearly a separate external box .
Where did you manage to find and download Yousei’s encode of this? The torrent for it on Nyaa has been dead for a very long time.
Thanks a ton
Only idiots would complain about the audio format of this upload. It’s FLAC which is lossless. You can convert to any other LOSSY format if you want.
By the way, this is a marvelous anime. It has all the qualities of a well-produced well-directed anime. It’s thoughtful. Dialogs are interesting and inteligent. Graphics/drawings are top-notch. It’s well paced with actions The english version is even more enjoyable. Those voice actors are really something. I could watch this series over and over again. I’m hoping they would produce another season. I will definitely pay for it, just to add to my collection. The only thing bad about this anime is its title - long and stupid which is probably why they didn’t get many sells. Only one other series can compare to this is “Is this a zombies”. Anyway, thank you so much.
for me is not bloated the audio and video compare to source raw each episode is 7.5G
Great release, thank you! Thanks for including the FLAC audio, hate lossy audio as it sounds bad in my home theater system.
wtf I remember this shit from when it aired… couldn’t remember the name of the anime but here I found it
Great release! Thanks