This was compiled from multiple sources. Kai 1.0 is the US release and Kai 2.0 is the Japanese release.
The subs for Kai 2.0 were OCR'd from the US release for episode 108-159. 099-107 are edited Baaro subs.
Audio quality? AAC? FLAC?
Score? Yamamoto? Kikuchi?
Was the video for Kai TFC fixed? That has green tint whether the Japanese cut or the International cut.
Doesn't look like the audio is lossless or that would be an extra 25GB-50GB for it alone.
Gonna guess and say that subs for Kai are FUNimation as one would expect. The audio? Lossy AAC. Yamamoto 01-52 and Kikuchi 53-98.
Hopefully the uploader returns because there's folks interested.
And yeah if anyone asks me about leaving folks hangin', I know, sorry about that (not my fault, to be honest). Give me time and you'll have it.
What kind of useless sack of shit uploader doesn't at least seed for more than a few months on a 50+ gig file? Guess bitter disappointments to their parents stay bitter disappointments. Can't even pirate properly, let alone anything else.
Comments - 4