I've had some requests for CHATMONCHY in the past, so on a whim I picked this up. Also, let me apologize in advance for the scans, the book was rather challenging to scan and while I'm not completely satisfied with the results I also lack the will to keep trying to improve them, so sorry if they're not satisfactory. (This took so long because I kept putting off the scanning due to being frustrated with it)
I'll apologize in advance for any stupid mistakes (I always seem to make at least one in every release).
Any help seeding is always greatly appreciated.
Thank you EinsamerWanderer for making this "BEST OF" available... I might even purchase the original CD set if it is to my liking (I found "Bus Romance" on YouTube and find it quite interesting)... Also, a big thank you to the Brazilian seeder who gave me the first Mbs today (I haven't watched the whole process), it is greatly appreciated... Who knows, maybe EinsamerWanderer and the Brazilian seeder are the same person???
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