[bitmap] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door - 40 [4FC7E617].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[bitmap] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door - 40 [4FC7E617].mkv

2018-03-04 18:02 UTC
File size:
571.3 MiB
Info hash:
This script has been sitting translated and timed forever on my computer. I got back into little kids' shows a couple of months ago after about a year (gonna be sad when Aikatsu Stars! and Idol Time Pripara end), so I figured it was about time I stopped being lazy and release this. Oh, also, congratulations to Rilu Rilu Fairilu for getting a season 3??? I still haven't watched any of season 2 past episode 1, actually... That being said, this doesn't mean I'm on a regular schedule (nothing is translated for 41 onwards). As always, if you're interested in helping out, you can find me at [#[email protected]](irc://irc.rizon.net/bitmap)

File list

  • [bitmap] Rilu Rilu Fairilu - Yousei no Door - 40 [4FC7E617].mkv (571.3 MiB)
This is a pleasant surprise, indeed. Thank you very much!
thx bitmap ily

bitmap (uploader)

wheres saki
thanks a lot, I always love seeing your releases, no matter how long they take :)
Thanks for another episode release, see you next year for the next ep :)
Oh, stilll waiting for the next episode :3
Hey! I don't exactly understand how to use the link, could someone explain to me ? I would really like to help add some speed to this production. My friend and I watch it raw together, but, when it comes to some of the deeper story-line parts, there are always some important details we end up missing! What would I be able to help with? I would positively be willing to learn to attach subs to videos if that would help cut down the time. My friend and I, 2nd and 3rd years Japanese major in college, could also give you around 75% of the transcripts in Japanese if it would help make it easier to translate. (Giving the times of anything we were unable to catch) When it comes to direct translations, However, neither of us have any real experience, and would thus need training in order to actually help. For me, I can quite easily understand the feeling of words IN Japanese, but my actual English translations always come out quite literal and dry.
MemeNiehe: if you're talking bout the irc link above, you need an IRC client (such as mIRC for Windows, https://www.mirc.com/ ). I hope you can contact bitmap and can be of some help to him, as god knows when this will be completed (or even if) otherwise.