Boruto: Naruto the Movie is a 2015 Japanese animated action adventure film directed by Hiroyuki Yamashita in his directorial debut. It is the eleventh Naruto film based on the manga of the same name by Masashi Kishimoto and is part of the larger Start of a New Era Project (新時代開幕プロジェクト Shinjidai Kaimaku Purojekuto) to commemorate the series' 15th anniversary.
The film, first teased in the post-credits scene of the previous film, The Last: Naruto the Movie, tells stories about the children of the original series' main characters. As with the previous film and Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie, Kishimoto was once again involved in the project as scenario writer and character designer, and is part of the official canon of the Naruto manga, set after the events of the series.
Source: BluRay Disc (34 GB)
File Container: MKV
Video Format: x265/HEVC [8-bit]
Video Resolution: 1920x1080
Audio Format: AAC-LC
Track 1: Japanese 5.1 Surround
Subtitle Format: ASS / SRT / PGS (BD)
Track 1: Arabic (SRT)
Track 2: English (ASS)
Track 3: English (SRT)
Track 4: Indonesian (SRT)
Track 5: Japanese (BD)
Track 6: Maylay (SRT)
Track 7: Spanish (SRT)
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